Wednesday, September 22, 2010

August 31, 2010- Anatomy Screening (20 weeks!)

Anatomy Screening (20 weeks!)

This morning we had our 20-week anatomy screening. Here is a new picture ....he/she is waving "hello!”

We chose not to find out the sex of the baby, but we got to see and learn all kinds of other neat things about it. We saw 2 arms with hands, 2 legs with feet, 1 head with eyes and a brain, 4 chambers in the heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach... all lookin good.


The baby weighs about 12 ounces and measures roughly 10 inches long right now. It doesn't have any fat on it yet but will get some in the coming weeks. The face was really gaunt… just empty eye sockets and kind of creepy looking. David said it’s an alien baby.

We saw blood flowing in the umbilical cord and the heart rate was 135. They said it looks healthy with and all the right stuff in all the right places. The only measurements we couldn’t get were the spine- the baby moved around a lot. Already can’t sit still- this is my kid for sure!

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