Thursday, October 14, 2010

You totally know what I’m talking about… right?

You know those lines you sometimes have on your face/legs/torso when you wake up in the morning? The ones left by the folds in your sheets? You totally know what I’m talking about, right?

They usually go away in a few minutes, but recently mine are lasting last through my shower, teeth brushing, hair drying and getting dressed routine. I assume they disappear eventually because they are gone by the time I get home from work and change back into casual clothes… but seriously how much water am I retaining?

Is this normal? I’m trying to watch my sodium intake –I don’t usually snack on really salty food anyway. And I’m not sure where I read this… I might be making it up completely…. but I recall reading that retaining too much water sometimes means high blood pressure or preeclampsia, but so far my doctor has been happy with my blood pressure. So I guess this is just an odd quirk of pregnancy. Hmph.

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