Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Backdated post- September 21, 2010: 23 Weeks!

23 Weeks!

Now that we’re moved in and packing/organizing/decorating has become more manageable, I’ve started going back to the gym. The stationary bike is no longer an option; it’s just not comfortable so I’ve been putting in time on the elliptical (while holding on) and the treadmill.

They (whoever ‘they’ are) say that movement can actually lull the baby to sleep, and it may be true, but as soon as I get home this kids thinks it’s party time. Maybe the baby thinks it’s time for his/her aerobics class because it starts kicking, punching, flipping and squirming around for a good while.

I have notice that since I’ve gone back to exercising regularly, I have been able to sleep soundly almost completely through the night. They (yes, ‘them’ again) also say that strong muscles and a fit heart can greatly ease labor and delivery. Gaining control over your breathing can help manage pain and in the event of a lengthy labor (the horror!), increased endurance can be a real help. Also, women who exercise during pregnancy have less chance of developing certain conditions like gestational diabetes. I hope to be able to follow a mild to moderate exercise routine for the next few months.

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