I finally felt the baby. It’s more noticeable when I’m sitting- but it’s definitely there. It’s cool. However, this kid skipped the gentle ‘fluttering bubbles in your tummy’ thing and moved right to judo kicks. Which I will take. It’s kinda cool, kinda weird. I’m happy to finally feel something in there. I’ve been reading about how I’m supposed to be feeling the baby by now and everyone keeps asking if I’ve felt it yet. I was getting a little discouraged and anxious. I mean, I’ve seen the baby moving around on sonograms and everything has been normal- but all the websites say to expect start feeling things between 16 and 22 weeks- and at 21 weeks I was getting towards the end of that window. Of course, they also say that veteran moms tend to notice those first subtle kicks earlier than first-time moms. I didn’t think I would be so neurotic- I’m going to try to relax a bit more this week and enjoy things.
In other news, my parents were here this past weekend and man did we get a lot of work done in the house! On Saturday- not only did my parents arrive, but the FIOS guy installed our phone, internet and TV, the furniture repair man came to fix my nightstand and our couch and ottoman were delivered. It was like Grand Central Station at our place all day!

The new couch and ottoman

Jerry already at home on the new couches
Once all the deliveries were complete, we went to home depot to buy a ton of supplies: paint and brushes, drop cloth, rake, shovel, hedge shears and pruning shears, dirt cultivator, trowel, hose nozzles, nails, screws, organizers, drill bits and.. a BBQ! (I’m sure I am forgetting several items)

David and my dad ...discussing the finer points of shovels and rakes

men chillaxin after a long day of shopping
On Sunday, David and my dad put down tile laminate in the basement where the back door opens, painted the front door, put up a knife magnet in the kitchen, organized the workbench in the garage, mowed the lawn and pruned the hedges while my mom and I did a lot of organization. We got a garbage can for the kitchen and dividers for the kitchen drawers as well as some of the drawers in our bedroom. We got a new liner for the guest bathroom’s shower and a bed skirt for the upstairs guest bedroom. We unpacked boxes, cleaned , dusted, swept and organized while the men schlepped and sweated.
Then on Monday, we washed cars (a Koles family weekend tradition) and finished up the garage.

Handyman David laying down the flooring

Weeding in the backyard with my new gear (gardening gloves and pruning shears)

My mom helps out with the gardening too!

David trimming hedges

Dad amongst the tools and workbench

washing cars... a Koles Family weekend tradition
After my parents left, Mike came over with Daisy and we had a little evening BBQ.

This little house of ours? It’s coming along pretty nicely.