First Trimester Screening
Words rarely fail me, but right now I literally have no words to describe exactly how I feel. Excited? Elated? No, those don’t quite convey my current state of frenetic happiness/ relief/pride/ exhilaration/ hope/ joy/anticipation/bliss. I am bursting with emotion. Bursting.
This morning we had our End of 1st Trimester screening and got to see the little nugget. This was David’s first time to see him/her, to hear its heartbeat, to watch it hiccup and move its hand to its mouth so it could suck its thumb (our baby has thumbs!). It was phenomenal. It was precious. It was awesome.

Check out my kid- sucking his/her thumb!
I’ve been feeling pretty good recently- sure I am ready for bed at sunset and the nausea is still lingering, but those are GOOD symptoms and overall I‘ve had no complications. Still, I was anxious until I heard that heartbeat and saw that little fluttering outline of a heartbeat. And then my fears melted away. I wonder if this is normal- do all mothers-to-be get anxious before a sonogram, or is it just me?
David and I held hands as the sonographer (I think that’s what she was called) recorded the baby’s heartbeat and reported back that it was good. She pointed out the baby’s two legs and feet, tush, arms, brain and torso. She had me move around a little bit to get the best angles and printed out a few photos for us to take home. Then I did some quick bloodwork and it was over. Off to work.
But HOW do you concentrate on work when you’ve had such an amazing morning?! When you have a zillion emotions coursing through you? I can’t wait to start telling more family next week!
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