I have to say that I had my doubts, but taking the metro was fairly painless. As Aaron said, “its all about strategy and positioning.” You stake out a good spot, and you get on that train. We arrived unsmushed and happy. When you exit the metro, the stadium is just a half bock walk away.

view from the metro
We got there a little early so that we could walk around a bit and check out the new ballpark. The place is really nice, and all the people who say “there isn’t a bad seat in the place” are right. We saw George Washington and a very angry looking Abe Lincoln walking around the park.

Because it was Passover, we weren’t able to enjoy any of the regular ballpark fare, but here are some pictures of the cleverly named vendors. There were also some local favorites.

My favorite pic is the kosher stand- the one place to get a kosher hot dog, and it was closed! (I mean what would they serve anyway- bunless hot dogs?)

scoreboard at the new stadium

It wasn’t very warm out, but Becky and I were thankfully distracted from the cold by her extremely boisterous neighbor (that’s him in the red shirt).
We had great seats and a really good timeat the game, but I have to admit that baseball isn’t the same without beer. David and I enjoyed our Passover-friendly snacks and watched the Nationals beat the Cubs 2-0. There were a TON of Cubs fans- I heard someone call it Wrigley Field East- they weren't too far off base!
To his credit, David hung in there with me for the entire holiday and we celebrated sundown with dumplings and noodles at Jade Billows that night. The best line of the whole day was when David, looking at all the yummy food at the ballpark and the cloudy sky asked me “Does overcast count as sunset?” No, it doesn’t, but that was a good try.
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