Earlier this week, I was a little bummed about officially entering my late twenties (for the record, I believe that 27 is still considered to be your late-mid-twenties). But now that I’ve arrived- I’m actually pretty happy with it.

Thinking back, I have to say that my 27th year was pretty incredible. I learned to ski, went to my first spa, toured the French Riviera, oh- and I got to marry the most amazing guy. So that’s a bonus.
I enjoy my work, I have a wonderful and supportive family, I have fantastic friends, an adorable kitty and I get to wake up next to my best friend every day.
So maybe the year ahead isn’t going to be as eventful or momentous as the one I’ve just had. Maybe it will be. I guess I won’t know for a while.
I want to thank everyone who made this year such a special one.