If you haven’t been watching HBO’s miniseries on the life of John Adams, the good news is that you can still catch up. Last night was the 3rd episode of this 7-part series based on David McCullough's book about President Adams and the first 50 years of the United States.
Tom Hanks is the co-executive producer of this $100 million HBO miniseries- so you know it’s good. His Playtone Productions also made HBO's Emmy-winning miniseries ‘Band of Brothers’ and ‘From the Earth to the Moon’ as well.
Although the miniseries primarily focuses on the life of John and Abigail Adams, the film has an exceptional ensemble cast which includes familiar faces like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton.
Although the miniseries primarily focuses on the life of John and Abigail Adams, the film has an exceptional ensemble cast which includes familiar faces like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton.
Paul Giamatti is amazing as John Adams and Laura Linney shows why Abigail was so important to her husband and, indirectly, to the birth of the nation.
General George Washington
Doctor Benjamin Franklin
Although you already know what will happen in the big picture, the storytelling is so well done that the drama of America breaking away from England is new again. The miniseries recounts Adams' experience in the Continental Congress, his service as an ambassador in Paris and London and his return to government and politics as the nation's first vice president and second president.