If you’ve never experienced a Waffle House meal or their awesome pie, you can find the location near you on their website. If you have some free time, check out the Waffle House website’s fun facts page. If you don’t have the time, (translation: actually work hard) I have listed a few WaHo highlight below…
Since 1955, the Waffle House has served:
1,527,602,959 Eggs
1,173,838,328 Hashbrown Orders
1,108,574,633 Orders of Grits
957,041,599 Cups of Coffee
786,449,152 Bacon Strips
495,264,367 Waffles
479,312,699 Glasses of Coca-Cola
370,545,935 Sausage patties
204,164,660 Omelets
123,587,123 T-Bone Steaks
22,217,455 Slices of Pie
14,899,594 Slices of Ham
Did you Know?
Waffle House customers consume two percent of the total eggs produced in the United States for food service use. That is more than 185,000,000 eggs every year, 500,000 eggs everyday, 20,833 eggs every hour, 347 eggs every minute and five eggs every second.
Waffle House restaurants serve more than 95 million cups of coffee each year. If you could stack all of the sausage patties we serve in one day, it would reach the TOP of the Empire State Building!
If you stack all of the USDA Choice hamburger patties Waffle House serves in a year, it would equal the height of 18 Mount Everests!
Waffle House serves more than 381 tons of country ham every year. That translates to more weight than a fully-loaded Boeing 747 at takeoff.
If you lay all of the bacon end-to-end that Waffle House serves in a year, it will stretch from Atlanta to Los Angeles seven times.
Waffle House serves more than 3.2 million pounds of grits each year. That is enough to fill 86 semi-trucks!
Each year Waffle House customers eat more than 334,000 pounds of pecans in their waffles. That is more than 21 million pecans.

We arrived at Heather and Jason’s place and got a tour of their beautiful home, had some yummy apple wine and dessert before going to bed.
On Saturday, we spent the day in Philadelphia. We kicked things off at the Mütter Museum.

Originally founded to educate future doctors about anatomy and human medical anomalies, the museum is located at College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Today it is still educational, but visited by the public more than scientists to see its collection of medical oddities, anatomical and pathological specimens, wax models, and antique medical equipment.
Their “one-of-a-kind treasures” include:
The plaster cast torso of world-famous Siamese twins, Chang & Eng
A collection of 2,000 objects extracted from people's throats
The tallest skeleton on display in North America
A wax model of a woman with a human horn growing out of her forehead
A 5'-long human colon
The petrified body of the Soap Lady, whose corpse was turned into soap
A malignant tumor removed from President Cleveland's palate
A growth removed from President Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth
Heather was a GREAT sport through all of this. When we’d had enough of stuff in jars, we headed to Jim’s for cheesesteaks.
We waited on line for a bit, debated the merits of Wiz vs. Provolone, took some pictures (of course) and finally got our sandwiches. I’m proud to have had my first cheesesteak in Philly.
We walked around a bit in the Italian market, took some silly pictures, saw the other philly food landmarks, bought provisions for dinner and headed home in time for the boys to catch the football games.
Italian Market
Geno's (order in English only!)
Pat's (bad lighting, sorry)
best part of the whole market
After a great dinner, Heather and I went to see Charlie Wilson’s War while David and Jason watched Green Bay crush Seattle and then New England beat Jacksonville. On Sunday we said goodbye to our amazing hosts and headed back to Maryland in time to watch San Diego’s surprising win over Indianapolis.
After a great dinner, Heather and I went to see Charlie Wilson’s War while David and Jason watched Green Bay crush Seattle and then New England beat Jacksonville. On Sunday we said goodbye to our amazing hosts and headed back to Maryland in time to watch San Diego’s surprising win over Indianapolis.
Later that evening, Mikey, Becky and Aaron came over to watch the only game that really mattered this weekend.