Friday, October 3, 2008

Ever hear of Film Racing?

Diesel Film Racing is a nationwide competition that challenges filmmakers to create original short films under extreme time constraints. Basically, film makers are challenged to create an original short film in 24 hours.

They are given a theme and an element they need to include in their film. The plot of the film must revolve around the Theme. (Examples of past Themes are ‘Revenge’, ‘Bad Advice’ and ‘Spare Change’) . The Surprise Element can be a prop (a toothbrush) or an action (a slap) that must be used at some point in the film.

The tour is currently going on right now, and by its end, the tour will have visited 17 cities.

In New York, the Theme was: Happy Birthday and the Surprise Element was the action of Hanging a Picture

In Toronto, the Theme was: Fake and the Surprise Element was using the prop Chopsticks

In Miami, the Theme was: A Dare and the Surprise Element was using the prop Ice Cubes

In Boston, the Theme was: Dating and the Surprise Element was the action of Fluffing a pillow

So in the Los Angeles leg of the tour, the Theme was: Karma and the Surprise Element was the action - Watering a Plant. I came across this video and thought it was so clever and timely, I had to post it here.

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