You are also getting bigger..and so am I. You have started to feel heavy this week and I've noticed a slight shift in my balance. My bigger belly has thrown off my posture, and on top on that, the hormone relaxin is loosening up my joints- so I'm trying to be more careful reaching for things and I'm also holding on to the elliptical machine at the gym. (Because let's face it: for a former gymnast, I'm surprisingly kind of a klutz)
I passed my Gestational Diabetes test this week (wahoo!) and I have to admit that overall, I feel really good. My hips do hurt a little, but taking a warm shower before bed, doing some stretches and propping myself up with pillows at night seems to be helping. I make a sort of pillow fortress around me each night- one behind me, one between my knees and one in front of me. David has almost given up on a) having any space for himself in the bed and b) a kiss goodnight. Instead, we've been giving each other a high-five over the mountain of support pillows strategically placed around me. The space issue? Well some things are just not my problem :)
I'm really looking forward to our long weekend in Chicago. Of course we are going to NJ and NY for Thanksgiving, but this will be our last vacation as a couple before we become a family.
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