This weekend we celebrated David's Birthday. It was also Columbus Day Weekend and with both of us lucky to have a 3-day weekend, David's parents came down to see the house and spend some time with us.
(Note: We just got a fancy new camera and we're still figuring out all the settings and gizmos- so sometimes the pictures are going to look awesome and other times they might look a little... off. Please be patient as we work out the kinks and get to know this new piece of equipment.)
As this falls right after our wedding anniversary, our house was already festive with cards and flowers.

Fran and Dov arrived Friday night (thanks for the bagels!) and in the morning, we got right down to the business of celebrating with more cards and presents.

Birthday Cards and Coffee. David is a happy guy.
Then it was off to The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center near Dulles International Airport. This is the companion facility to the Air and Space Museum on the National Mall, and it's a pretty neat place.
Built to display the thousands of aviation and space travel artifacts that cannot fit into the D.C. museum, it showcases famous aircraft, spacecraft, rockets, and satellites, and a wide assortment of other space exploration memorabilia including the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird (the fastest jet in the world) the Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay (which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima) and the Space Shuttle Enterprise (which flew landing tests for the shuttle program in the 1970s).

Heading into the museum
One of the many planes on display
family pic
Although you have to pay for parking, admission is free. I would highly recommend getting a (free!) docent tour. There is so much to see, it's helpful to have someone answer questions about the exhibits and steer you towards the highlights.

shuttle pic

We stopped in the gift shop and I had to try really hard not to buy several of the cute items there. This Curious George book was almost the end of me. I settled for a photo with it...for now.
We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the gorgeous weather and while the boys watched the Yankees game at home, the girls did a bit of maternity shopping. We celebrated David's birthday that night with his favorite take-out wings at home.

birthday Bon Chon chicken and beers
It was a fun and action-packed day. Even Jerry was in a good mood, patiently sitting on the couch letting me practice with the new camera.

you lookin at me?
On Sunday, we spent the morning at the Sugarloaf Crafts Festival in Gaithersburg. There were a lot of vendors selling pottery, sculptures, jewelry, clothing, home décor, furniture, items for the garden, and photography. We bought a few things and did a LOT of walking.

With Fran and Dov at the festival


On our way from the festival- it was a great way to spend the final warm and sunny days of fall.
That evening we went downtown for dinner at Fogo de Chão. We've been there a few times before- I even blogged about it
here and
here. On our way to the restaurant, we passed a statue of Benjamin Franklin, so the two colleagues posed for a picture.

One picture outside the restaurant...

...and another inside

I am going to do a separate post about our weekend home improvement projects later, but on Monday we bought an area rug for the living room and put up drapes. Here is a preview of what's to come....

schleppers (also known as area rug placement in progress)
Overall we had a great weekend, perfect weather, excellent guests, great food and good times. Thanks again to Fran and Dov for coming down, for dinner(s) and for being good sports thoughout my activity-filled weekend. Happy Birthday David... I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!