Last weekend was filled with friends, family and celebrations. I was able to snag a few of the Chamber’s tickets to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus, so on Saturday afternoon, I took Fara and Marin to see the Greatest Show on Earth. Marin’s birthday was just a few days away, and she was very excited!

The face of a very excited soon-to-be-6-year-old with a GIANT bag of cotton candy

When I was growing up, the circus would usually come to NY around the time of my own birthday. I have many fond memories of celebrating with my family as we went to see the trapeze artists, lion tamers and of course- the men with shovels cleaning up after the elephants.

While Ringling brothers has certainly adapted to modern tastes (less how-many-clowns-can-fit-into-a-car and more Cirque du Soleil artistry) some things never change. There are more contortionists than before, but they still have the men on motorcycles riding around in a giant sphere.

On Sunday afternoon we drove to NYC and had a very nice dinner at Carmine’s at their upper west side location. Of course it was delish! We even had a celebrity sighting that both David and I were excited about! (and for the record, I was not the one to spot Suzie Orman- I give props to David when they are deserved)

Then, on Monday we attended the bris of Rick and Carolyn’s new son, Austin. We had seen Rick in Vail this past February, but since Carolyn was not quite up to skiing in her 8-month pregnant state, we had not seen her in a long time. It was great to catch up with her and to meet little Austin.

Getting some much-deserved rest after his long morning.
Happy Birthday to Marin and Mazel Tov to Rick and Carolyn, big brother Benjamin and little brother Austin!
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