We kicked things off on Friday- we drove to New Jersey after work. We stopped for dinner along the way at Friendly’s (home of our favorite $9.99 dinner) and arrived in Scotch Plains pretty late, so we spent a little time with Fran and Dov before collapsing into bed. On Saturday we had a nice morning drinking coffee and relaxing with David’s family before going to our favorite dim-sum place for brunch.

Located in Edison, the name of the restaurant has changed a few times but most people refer to it as 1-9 Seafood Plaza. With its delicious traditional Cantonese dishes, you should get there before noon to beat the crowds.
We had a great afternoon and ate ourselves silly, but eventually we had to say goodbye and head for Long Island. I know it’s only a few hours away, but boy is it COLD up north! We arrived at my mom’s place late Saturday afternoon. That evening, we took her out for her birthday at Cirella’s in Melville. Hayley joined us and we had a really nice evening- check out the sparkler candle!

On Sunday, we ran a quick errand to pick up some wine and came back to my mom’s for a very nice brunch with the Mayer and Mishkit/Gennaro families. It was great to see Alison, Mark and Gladys again- it had been way too long! We had not seen Esther and Rob since Hay’s wedding, so it was great to catch up with them as well. Brooke is getting so big!

Then it was time for football. My dad came over and we watched the Cardinals defeat the Eagles and the Steelers defeat the Ravens. We aren’t really Baltimore fans, but it would have been nice to have a local team play in the Super Bowl. oh well!

We drove back down to Maryland on Monday afternoon. Heather & Jason (who planned ahead much better than I did) picked up their inauguration tickets downtown and came over to our place that evening. We had dinner at the new Mi Rancho in Rockville and caught up for a while before coming home and going to bed early. We wanted to be well rested and ready for the big day ahead.
On Tuesday morning we ate a quick breakfast (thanks for the apple coffee cake Heather!), layered and bundled up and left the house at 6 AM.

We took the metro downtown and said goodbye as I met up with Fara & Hunter near Farragut Square and Heather & Jason continued on to the ticket holders entrance.

Heather and I at the Metro station (yes, it is still dark out)
There were people selling posters, buttons, signs, t-shirts, mugs, stickers, scarves, hand warmers and tons more. I got a pin, and together, we walked down 18th street, past GW (hello Thurston Hall!) and to the National Mall.

So many posters and buttons!

An "I witnessed history" t-shirt for sale

Making our way down 18th Street

We've arrived! Fara and Hunter on the mall
Once we were on the mall, we walked towards the Capitol until we were just past the Washington Monument. We found a great spot in between two jumbotrons and watched the re-airing of Sunday’s concert. Lander met up with us and we sang, danced, cheered and tried to stay warm until the swearing in festivities began.

Chilly but happy

Lander shows his support

So this is the view from where we stood:

And this is the view from where Heather and Jason were.

We watched the arrival of senators and congressmen, former and current cabinet members, dignitaries, justices, Obama and Biden family members, former Presidents and celebrities as we listened to The United States Marine Band, The San Francisco Boys Chorus and the San Francisco Girls Chorus.
I took a video of the crowd:
At around 11:30, Senator Feinstein read her Welcoming Remarks and Rick Warren led the Invocation. We were excited to hear the Shema in there! We were standing between two huge speakers, so Aretha Franklin’s My Country, 'Tis Of Thee was a little distorted and hard to hear- but I don’t think we missed much. We saw the hat and that was enough for me. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stevens administered Oath of Office to Vice President Biden and we all cheered and hugged.

The musical selection by John Williams (composer), Itzhak Perlman (Violin), Yo-Yo Ma (Cello), Gabriela Montero (Piano), Anthony McGill (Clarinet) was nice but we couldn’t hear very well and the anticipation was rising.
Finally, it was showtime! We watched Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts administer the Oath of Office and we hugged and cheered. Some people were crying others were taking pictures and hugging their families and neighbors.
I took another video when they announced the entrance of the President-elect:
This is what you saw on TV:

This is how I watched it:

And this is what the whole mall looked like:

It was a moment I will never forget. We stood there listening to his inaugural address and taking it all in. (After the flub heard around the world, President Obama took the oath of office again yesterday. Roberts delivered the oath at the White House in a rare but not unheard of do-over.)
We started our departure from the mall after President Obama’s speech ended. As we made our way, we listened to Elizabeth Alexander’s poem, the Benediction by Reverend Lowery and The National Anthem by The United States Navy Band. Being a part of this was a truly memorable day.
Fara, Hunter and I took the metro back to Maryland. Heather and Jason showed up shortly after I was dropped off at home. We warmed up, watched the parade on TV and had a very late and much-needed lunch.

How cute is Sasha?
Heather and Jason had to leave for home shortly after lunch, so I spent the rest of the day watching the rest of the parade and the Inaugural Balls.

Dancing at the Commander In Chief Ball
I recently read this letter then President-elect Obama wrote to his children, and thought it was worth sharing. In it, he shares why he ran for office, lessons from his family, his dreams for his kids and all American children and some great photos.
I'm so glad I can say, "I was there"